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RUST REMOVER is a water-based liquid solution for removing surface rust. It is a product that restores the lustre of oxidised metals. RUST REMOVER is biodegradable; it is also a safe product for the operator, is non-toxic, non-corrosive or flammable and contains no volatile organic compounds.
RUST REMOVER will not damage copper, brass, aluminium, plastic, rubber, wood or vinyl. It will not remove paint or chrome, except when this is oxide-based.
For best results, rusted parts should be fully immersed in RUST REMOVER and removed when the rust layer is completely gone. A superficial patina of rust will take 20 to 30 minutes, a medium patina will take up to 4 hours and very rusty parts may require an overnight immersion.



: CUNA NC 956 - 18

: ASTM D 3306 TYP 2

: SAE J 1034

10% Vol.: -4°C

20% Vol.: -9°C

30% Vol.: -16°C

40% Vol.: -24°C

50% Vol.: -32°C

: Antifrost può essere impiegato su motori di autovetture, veicoli commerciali e autobuscon radiatori in ferro o alluminio

: Deve essere diluito con acqua in una concentrazione compresa tra il 10% - 50%

: Si consiglia l’utilizzo di distillata o demineralizzata